Volunteer Instructors Key to Hunter Safety Education

Accredited Illinois Hunter Safety Course: Ensuring a Secure Hunting Experience


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the Illinois Hunter Safety Course! If you’re an aspiring hunter or simply looking to refresh your knowledge on hunting safety practices, you’ve come to the right place. This technical article will delve into the details of the Illinois Hunter Safety Course, its importance, and how it ensures a secure hunting experience for all participants. So, let’s dive in and explore the key aspects of this accredited course.

Understanding the Significance of Hunter Safety

Hunting is a popular recreational activity enjoyed by many individuals across Illinois. However, it is essential to prioritize safety to prevent accidents and ensure a positive hunting experience for all. Understanding the significance of hunter safety is crucial for every aspiring hunter.

The Impact of Hunter Safety

Accidents can occur during hunting trips, ranging from minor injuries to severe incidents that can have long-lasting consequences. By prioritizing hunter safety, we can significantly reduce the occurrence of such accidents and promote responsible hunting practices.

Protecting Yourself and Others

Hunter safety is not just about personal well-being; it also extends to the safety of fellow hunters and individuals in the surrounding areas. By adhering to safety protocols and guidelines, you can ensure the protection of others and prevent potential accidents or injuries caused by negligence.

Minimizing Hunting Accidents

One of the primary objectives of hunter safety is to minimize hunting accidents. By educating hunters on safe firearm handling, proper hunting techniques, and ethical practices, we can significantly reduce the number of accidents related to hunting activities.

Promoting Responsible Hunting

Hunter safety courses emphasize the importance of ethical hunting practices and wildlife conservation. Understanding and implementing these principles promotes responsible hunting, ensuring the preservation of natural habitats and the sustainability of wildlife populations.

Building Confidence and Competence

Participating in a hunter safety course not only enhances your knowledge of safety practices but also builds confidence in your hunting abilities. By understanding the best practices and regulations, you can approach hunting situations with competence and make informed decisions.

Encouraging a Positive Hunting Experience

A positive hunting experience involves more than just a successful hunt; it encompasses the enjoyment of nature, camaraderie with fellow hunters, and a sense of accomplishment. By prioritizing hunter safety, we create an environment where all participants can have a positive and fulfilling hunting experience.

Legal Compliance

Understanding and adhering to hunting laws, regulations, and licensing requirements is a crucial aspect of hunter safety. By ensuring compliance, hunters can avoid legal issues and contribute to the preservation of hunting traditions.


Recognizing the significance of hunter safety is the first step towards becoming a responsible and well-prepared hunter. By prioritizing safety, we not only protect ourselves and others but also contribute to the conservation of wildlife and the promotion of ethical hunting practices.

Introduction to the Illinois Hunter Safety Course

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course is a comprehensive program designed to educate hunters about the essential aspects of safe and responsible hunting practices. This course equips participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate hunting environments with caution and make informed decisions.

Purpose of the Course

The primary purpose of the Illinois Hunter Safety Course is to instill a deep understanding of safety protocols and responsible hunting practices. By emphasizing the importance of safety, the course aims to reduce hunting-related accidents and promote a culture of responsible hunting across the state.

Topics Covered

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course covers a wide range of topics to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of hunting safety. These topics include:

  • Firearm safety: Understanding safe firearm handling, storage, and transportation.
  • Wildlife identification: Learning to identify different species and understanding their habitats.
  • Hunting laws and regulations: Familiarizing participants with state and local hunting laws, licenses, and permits.
  • Outdoor skills: Developing essential skills such as map reading, navigation, and survival techniques.
  • Hunting ethics: Promoting ethical hunting practices and respect for wildlife.
  • First aid and emergency preparedness: Equipping participants with knowledge of basic first aid and emergency response in hunting scenarios.

Interactive Learning

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course employs various interactive learning methods to enhance participant engagement and knowledge retention. These methods may include:

  • Classroom instruction: Attending lectures and presentations delivered by experienced instructors.
  • Visual aids: Utilizing multimedia resources, including videos and illustrations, to enhance understanding.
  • Hands-on activities: Engaging in practical exercises to reinforce learning, such as firearm handling demonstrations and wildlife identification sessions.
  • Group discussions: Encouraging participants to share experiences, ask questions, and learn from one another.
  • Scenario-based training: Simulating real-life hunting scenarios to develop decision-making skills and response strategies.

Course Duration and Assessment

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course typically spans several days or weekends, depending on the format chosen. Throughout the course, participants are evaluated through assessments, quizzes, and practical demonstrations to ensure comprehension and competency in the covered topics. Successful completion of these assessments is necessary to obtain certification.

Accreditation and Recognition

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course is accredited by relevant state authorities and recognized by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Participants who complete the course and pass the required assessments receive a certification card, demonstrating their commitment to safe and responsible hunting practices.


The Illinois Hunter Safety Course serves as a vital foundation for all individuals seeking to engage in hunting activities within the state. By equipping participants with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills, this course prepares hunters to navigate hunting environments safely, ethically, and responsibly.

Course Eligibility and Requirements

Before enrolling in the Illinois Hunter Safety Course, it is essential to understand the eligibility criteria and requirements set forth by the program. These criteria ensure that participants meet the necessary qualifications to benefit from the course and contribute to a safe hunting environment.

Age Limitations

To enroll in the Illinois Hunter Safety Course, participants must meet the minimum age requirement set by the state. Typically, this age requirement is 18 years or older. However, certain exceptions or youth programs may allow individuals younger than 18 to participate under adult supervision.

Residency Requirements

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course is typically open to both residents and non-residents of the state. However, some courses may prioritize residents, offering specific time slots or reduced fees. It is important to check the specific requirements of the course you intend to enroll in to ensure eligibility.


No prior hunting experience is necessary to enroll in the Illinois Hunter Safety Course. However, participants are expected to have a basic understanding of firearms and a genuine interest in hunting safety. The course is designed to accommodate individuals of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced hunters seeking a refresher.

Course Registration

Prior to attending the Illinois Hunter Safety Course, participants must complete the registration process. This typically involves providing personal information, such as name, contact details, and proof of identity. Some courses may require prepayment or a deposit to secure a spot in the program.

Attendance and Participation

Full attendance and active participation are crucial for successful completion of the Illinois Hunter Safety Course. Participants are expected to engage in classroom activities, practical exercises, and assessments throughout the duration of the course. Missing classes or failing to actively participate may result in the participant being ineligible for certification.

Course Materials

Upon registration, participants will receive the necessary course materials. These materials may include textbooks, handouts, study guides, and any additional resources deemed necessary by the course instructors. Participants are expected to review these materials and come prepared for each session.

Special Accommodations

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course strives to accommodate individuals with special needs or disabilities. If you require special accommodations, such as wheelchair accessibility or audio-visual aids, it is essential to notify the course organizers during the registration process. They will work to ensure a comfortable and inclusive learning environment for all participants.


Understanding the eligibility criteria and requirements of the Illinois Hunter Safety Course is vital before embarking on this educational journey. By meeting these qualifications, participants can maximize their learning experience, contribute to a safe hunting community, and obtain certification upon successful completion of the course.

Course Structure and Duration

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course is structured in a comprehensive manner to cover a wide range of topics essential for safe and responsible hunting practices. Understanding the course structure and duration will help participants plan their schedules and allocate sufficient time for successful completion.

Module Breakdown

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course is typically divided into several modules, each focusing on specific aspects of hunting safety. These modules may include:

  • Firearm Safety: Understanding safe handling, storage, and transportation of firearms.
  • Wildlife Management: Learning about wildlife conservation, habitats, and the role of hunters in ecosystem balance.
  • Hunting Ethics: Exploring ethical considerations in hunting, including fair chase, responsible harvesting, and respect for wildlife.
  • Hunting Techniques: Gaining knowledge of various hunting methods, including scouting, tracking, and stand placement.
  • Outdoor Skills: Developing skills such as navigation, survival techniques, and understanding weather patterns.
  • First Aid and Emergency Preparedness: Learning basic first aid, emergency response, and how to handle hunting-related incidents.

Classroom and Practical Sessions

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course combines both classroom instruction and practical sessions to provide a well-rounded learning experience. Classroom sessions involve lectures, presentations, and discussions, allowing participants to grasp theoretical knowledge. Practical sessions include hands-on activities, simulations, and demonstrations to apply learned concepts in real-life scenarios.

Course Duration

The duration of the Illinois Hunter Safety Course may vary depending on the format and intensity of the program. Typically, the course ranges from 10 to 16 hours of instruction, spread over several days or weekends. Certain courses may offer accelerated options for individuals with time constraints, while others may follow a more extended schedule.

Time Commitment

Participants should allocate sufficient time for both in-class and self-study activities. In addition to attending classroom sessions, participants are expected to review course materials, complete assignments, and prepare for assessments. It is recommended to set aside dedicated study time to ensure a thorough understanding of the course content.

Assessment and Certification

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course includes assessments to evaluate participants’ understanding of the material covered. These assessments may consist of written exams, practical demonstrations, and scenario-based evaluations. Successful completion of these assessments is required to obtain certification, which serves as evidence of the participant’s competence in hunting safety.

Continuing Education Opportunities

Completing the Illinois Hunter Safety Course provides a solid foundation for future hunting endeavors. Participants may also explore additional advanced courses and workshops to further enhance their knowledge and skills in specific areas of interest, such as bowhunting, waterfowl hunting, or wilderness survival.


The Illinois Hunter Safety Course is structured to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of hunting safety practices. By familiarizing themselves with the course structure, duration, and expectations, participants can better plan their study schedules and make the most of this valuable educational opportunity.

Online vs. In-person Course Options

When considering the Illinois Hunter Safety Course, individuals have the option to choose between online and in-person formats. Understanding the advantages and considerations of each option can help participants make an informed decision that best suits their learning preferences and logistical constraints.

Online Courses

Online hunter safety courses provide the flexibility of learning from the comfort of one’s home or any location with internet access. Here are some key advantages of online courses:

  • Flexibility: Participants can access course materials and complete modules at their own pace and convenience.
  • Accessibility: Online courses are available to individuals regardless of their location, making them accessible to rural communities or those with limited access to in-person courses.
  • Interactive Multimedia: Online courses often incorporate interactive elements such as videos, quizzes, and virtual scenarios to enhance engagement and knowledge retention.
  • Self-paced Learning: Participants can revisit modules or topics for better understanding or review, allowing for personalized learning experiences.
  • Cost Savings: Online courses may have lower registration fees, no travel expenses, and the flexibility to use personal devices for learning.

In-person Courses

In-person hunter safety courses provide hands-on training and the opportunity for immediate interaction with instructors and fellow participants. Here are some advantages of in-person courses:

  • Hands-on Learning: In-person courses often include practical exercises, demonstrations, and simulations that allow participants to apply their knowledge in real-time.
  • Immediate Clarification: Participants can ask questions, seek clarification, and engage in discussions with instructors and peers during class sessions.
  • Networking and Collaboration: In-person courses provide opportunities to connect with fellow hunters, share experiences, and learn from one another.
  • Structured Schedule: In-person courses have a set schedule, ensuring participants allocate dedicated time for learning and completing the course within a specific timeframe.
  • Expert Guidance: In-person courses are often led by experienced instructors who can provide real-time feedback, guidance, and personalized instruction.

Considerations for Choosing

When deciding between online and in-person courses, consider the following factors:

  • Learning Style: Determine whether you prefer self-paced learning or face-to-face interaction with instructors and peers.
  • Availability: Assess the availability of online and in-person courses in your area and consider any scheduling conflicts or travel constraints.
  • Technological Proficiency: Evaluate your comfort level with online platforms, as online courses require basic computer skills and internet connectivity.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the chosen course format meets the requirements set by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for hunter safety certification.


Both online and in-person formats offer valuable learning experiences for the Illinois Hunter Safety Course. Participants should carefully consider their learning preferences, logistical considerations, and regulatory compliance when choosing the format that best aligns with their needs and goals.

Expert Instructors and Training Materials

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course is led by expert instructors who possess in-depth knowledge and experience in hunting safety and practices. Alongside these knowledgeable instructors, participants are provided with comprehensive training materials that enhance their understanding and mastery of safe hunting techniques.

Qualified Instructors

The instructors of the Illinois Hunter Safety Course are highly qualified individuals who have undergone rigorous training and certification processes. They possess extensive knowledge of hunting safety, wildlife management, and ethical hunting practices. These instructors are experts in their field and are equipped to deliver engaging and informative instruction to participants.

Teaching Experience

In addition to their qualifications, the instructors of the Illinois Hunter Safety Course have substantial teaching experience. They are skilled in conveying complex information in an accessible manner, ensuring that participants understand the course material effectively. With their expertise, instructors can address participants’ questions, provide practical examples, and facilitate engaging discussions to enhance learning outcomes.

Comprehensive Training Materials

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course provides participants with comprehensive training materials that serve as valuable resources throughout their learning journey. These materials may include:

  • Textbooks: Detailed textbooks covering various topics, including firearm safety, wildlife identification, hunting regulations, and more.
  • Visual Aids: Illustrations, diagrams, and charts that enhance understanding and reinforce key concepts.
  • Video Resources: Educational videos demonstrating safe firearm handling, wildlife management techniques, and ethical hunting practices.
  • Interactive Resources: Online modules, quizzes, and interactive activities that engage participants and promote active learning.
  • Practice Assessments: Sample questions and assessments that allow participants to gauge their knowledge and readiness for the final certification assessment.

Supplemental Resources

In addition to the core training materials, the Illinois Hunter Safety Course may provide supplemental resources to further enhance participants’ learning experience. These resources could include additional reading materials, online forums or discussion boards, and access to webinars or seminars led by industry experts. These supplemental resources encourage continued learning and provide opportunities for participants to expand their knowledge beyond the course requirements.

Continuous Improvement

The instructors and course administrators regularly update the training materials to reflect the latest safety practices, hunting regulations, and advancements in technology. Continuous improvement ensures that participants receive the most up-to-date information and training methods, enabling them to adapt to changing hunting landscapes and challenges.


The Illinois Hunter Safety Course provides participants with the expertise of qualified instructors and comprehensive training materials. By leveraging these resources, participants can gain a deep understanding of hunting safety practices and develop the skills necessary for responsible and enjoyable hunting experiences.

Testing and Certification Process

The testing and certification process of the Illinois Hunter Safety Course ensures that participants have successfully acquired the knowledge and skills necessary for safe and responsible hunting practices. It serves as a validation of their competence and commitment to maintaining a secure hunting environment.

Assessment Types

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course utilizes various assessment methods to evaluate participants’ understanding and application of the course material. These assessment types may include:

  • Written Exams: Participants may be required to complete written exams that assess their knowledge of hunting safety practices, wildlife identification, hunting regulations, and ethical considerations.
  • Practical Demonstrations: Participants may need to demonstrate their ability to handle firearms safely, identify wildlife species, and exhibit proper hunting techniques in simulated scenarios.
  • Scenario-based Assessments: Evaluations may involve participants responding to hypothetical hunting situations, demonstrating their decision-making skills and ability to apply learned concepts.

Passing Criteria

To obtain certification, participants must meet the passing criteria set by the Illinois Hunter Safety Course. These criteria typically require participants to achieve a minimum score or demonstrate a satisfactory level of knowledge and skills in each assessment type. Specific passing criteria may vary depending on the course format and the governing body overseeing the certification process.

Certification Benefits

Upon successful completion of the Illinois Hunter Safety Course, participants receive a certification that recognizes their dedication to safe and responsible hunting practices. This certification offers several benefits, including:

  • Legal Compliance: The certification fulfills the legal requirement of completing a hunter safety course, allowing participants to obtain hunting licenses and permits.
  • Hunting Opportunities: Many hunting organizations and landowners require hunters to possess a valid hunter safety certification to gain access to their properties or participate in hunting events.
  • Personal Confidence: Certification instills confidence in participants, assuring them that they possess the knowledge and skills to navigate hunting environments safely and responsibly.
  • Community Recognition: The certification symbolizes a commitment to the hunting community and its values of safety, conservation, and ethical practices.

Certification Renewal

In some cases, hunter safety certifications may have an expiration date. To maintain a valid certification, individuals may need to renew their certification periodically. Renewal requirements vary by jurisdiction, and participants should consult the appropriate authorities to determine the renewal process, including any additional training or assessments that may be necessary.


The testing and certification process of the Illinois Hunter Safety Course ensures participants’ competence in safe and responsible hunting practices. By successfully completing the assessments and obtaining certification, individuals demonstrate their commitment to maintaining a secure hunting environment and gain access to various hunting opportunities.

Continuing Education and Advanced Courses

Completing the Illinois Hunter Safety Course is just the beginning of a hunter’s educational journey. For those seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge further, there are numerous opportunities for continuing education and advanced courses that delve deeper into specific aspects of hunting and outdoor pursuits.

Specialized Training Options

After completing the Illinois Hunter Safety Course, participants can explore specialized training options tailored to their interests and hunting preferences. Some of these specialized training programs include:

  • Bowhunting Courses: Designed for individuals interested in mastering archery skills and learning the unique techniques and regulations associated with bowhunting.
  • Waterfowl Hunting Courses: Focusing on the specific skills, strategies, and conservation practices related to hunting waterfowl species such as ducks and geese.
  • Wilderness Survival Courses: Providing participants with essential knowledge and skills to navigate and survive in remote wilderness environments while maintaining a focus on ethical hunting practices.
  • Tracking and Trailing Courses: Teaching participants how to track game animals, interpret signs, and effectively trail wounded animals for ethical recovery.

Advanced Certifications

For individuals seeking to demonstrate their expertise and commitment to specialized areas of hunting, advanced certifications are available. These certifications require additional training, assessments, and field experience. Some examples of advanced certifications include:

  • Certified Firearms Instructor: Qualifies individuals to instruct others on firearm safety, shooting techniques, and proper firearm handling.
  • Master Hunting Guide: Recognizes individuals with extensive knowledge and experience in guiding hunting trips, including wilderness navigation, game tracking, and client management.
  • Conservation Officer: Equips individuals with the skills and knowledge required to enforce hunting and wildlife regulations, protect natural resources, and educate the public on conservation practices.

Professional Development Opportunities

Beyond certifications and specialized training, professional development opportunities are available for individuals interested in pursuing a career related to hunting, wildlife management, or outdoor education. These opportunities may include attending conferences, workshops, or seminars where experts share their knowledge and insights on various topics.

Continual Learning and Adaptation

Hunting is an ever-evolving field, and staying informed about the latest research, techniques, and regulations is crucial for responsible hunters. Engaging in continual learning and adapting to new information ensures that hunters remain up-to-date, make informed decisions, and contribute to conservation efforts.


Completing the Illinois Hunter Safety Course is just the first step in a lifelong journey of learning and growth. By exploring continuing education options, advanced certifications, and professional development opportunities, hunters can expand their knowledge, sharpen their skills, and contribute to the hunting community while maintaining a focus on safety, ethics, and conservation.

Regulatory Compliance and Legal Considerations

Compliance with hunting regulations and understanding the legal considerations associated with hunting activities is of utmost importance for hunters in Illinois. Adhering to these regulations ensures the preservation of wildlife populations, protects natural habitats, and contributes to a sustainable hunting environment.

Hunting Laws and Regulations

Illinois has specific hunting laws and regulations that govern hunting activities within the state. These laws cover various aspects, including hunting seasons, bag limits, licensing requirements, and specific regulations for different game species. It is essential for hunters to familiarize themselves with these laws to ensure compliance and avoid legal issues.

Licenses and Permits

Before engaging in hunting activities, individuals must obtain the necessary licenses and permits as required by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. These licenses and permits may vary depending on factors such as age, residency, and the type of game being hunted. It is crucial to obtain the correct licenses and permits and keep them up-to-date to hunt legally.

Tagging and Reporting Requirements

Illinois has tagging and reporting requirements in place to ensure accurate data collection and effective wildlife management. Hunters are typically required to tag harvested animals immediately and report their harvest to the appropriate authorities within a specified timeframe. Adhering to these requirements helps monitor wildlife populations and supports conservation efforts.

Protected Species and Prohibited Activities

Certain species in Illinois may be protected or subject to specific regulations due to their conservation status. It is essential for hunters to be aware of these protected species and prohibited activities to avoid unintentional violations. Understanding the specific regulations for each game species helps maintain a sustainable balance in the ecosystem.

Trespassing and Landowner Relations

Respecting private property rights and establishing positive relationships with landowners are essential aspects of hunting ethics. Hunters must obtain proper permission from landowners before accessing private property for hunting. Understanding the boundaries and regulations set by landowners helps build trust within the hunting community and preserves access to hunting grounds.

Reporting Violations

If hunters witness or suspect any violations of hunting laws or regulations, it is essential to report them to the appropriate authorities. Reporting violations contributes to maintaining the integrity of hunting practices and ensuring that individuals who engage in illegal activities are held accountable.


Compliance with hunting laws and regulations, as well as understanding the legal considerations associated with hunting, is crucial for responsible hunters. By adhering to these regulations, hunters contribute to wildlife conservation, protect natural habitats, and maintain the integrity of the hunting community in Illinois.

Benefits of the Illinois Hunter Safety Course

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course offers numerous benefits for individuals looking to engage in hunting activities within the state. From increased safety awareness to enhanced hunting skills, participants can expect a range of advantages that contribute to a successful and secure hunting experience.

Improved Safety Awareness

The primary benefit of the Illinois Hunter Safety Course is the development of a strong safety mindset. Participants gain a comprehensive understanding of firearm safety, wildlife identification, and ethical hunting practices. This knowledge significantly reduces the risk of accidents and promotes a safe hunting environment for both participants and others in the vicinity.

Enhanced Hunting Skills

The course equips participants with essential hunting skills, such as effective shooting techniques, wildlife tracking, and navigation. By honing these skills, participants become more proficient hunters, increasing their chances of success while minimizing the impact on the environment and wildlife.

Regulatory Compliance

Completion of the Illinois Hunter Safety Course ensures that participants understand and adhere to hunting laws, regulations, and licensing requirements. This knowledge promotes regulatory compliance, preventing legal issues and contributing to the preservation of hunting traditions.

Access to Hunting Opportunities

Many hunting organizations and landowners require hunters to possess a valid hunter safety certification to gain access to their properties or participate in hunting events. By completing the Illinois Hunter Safety Course, participants open doors to a wider range of hunting opportunities and gain recognition within the hunting community.

Environmental Stewardship

The course emphasizes the importance of ethical hunting practices and wildlife conservation. Participants develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world and become advocates for responsible hunting. By embracing these principles, hunters actively contribute to the preservation of natural habitats and the sustainability of wildlife populations.

Confidence and Preparedness

Completing the Illinois Hunter Safety Course instills participants with confidence in their hunting abilities and preparedness for various hunting scenarios. They learn to make informed decisions, assess risks, and handle challenging situations effectively. This confidence enhances the overall hunting experience and promotes responsible decision-making in the field.

Continual Learning Opportunities

The Illinois Hunter Safety Course serves as a foundation for ongoing learning and growth. Participants are encouraged to pursue advanced certifications, specialized training, and professional development opportunities. This commitment to continual learning ensures that hunters stay up-to-date with the latest practices, regulations, and conservation efforts.


The Illinois Hunter Safety Course offers a multitude of benefits, ranging from improved safety awareness to enhanced hunting skills and access to diverse hunting opportunities. By completing this course, participants are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful, responsible, and secure hunting experience in the state of Illinois.

In conclusion, the Illinois Hunter Safety Course is a comprehensive and accredited program that provides aspiring hunters with the knowledge and skills necessary for safe and responsible hunting practices. Through expert instruction, comprehensive training materials, and assessments, participants gain a deep understanding of firearm safety, wildlife management, hunting ethics, and more. By completing this course, hunters can enhance their safety awareness, improve their hunting skills, and ensure compliance with hunting laws and regulations. Additionally, the course opens doors to a wider range of hunting opportunities and promotes environmental stewardship. Continuous learning and advancement opportunities further contribute to the growth and development of hunters. Overall, the Illinois Hunter Safety Course sets the foundation for a secure, enjoyable, and responsible hunting experience in the state of Illinois.

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